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Monday, January 27, 2014


My world is controlled by a series of beeps. 

It starts at 7am beepbeep beepbeep beepbeepbeepbeep beepbeepbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.  Time to wake up.  I'd love to say I bounce out of bed, and some days I do, but most days it's a drag. 

After I am dressed, I drag myself down the hall to the kids' rooms - time for the wake up with mom show.  "Good morning Griffin children! It's a beautiful school day, up and at 'em!"  Jeremy bounces up with a smile, Natalie is more a groan.

Downstairs where the phone is beeping it's good morning - emails, texts, missed calls - I'm not real reliable on my cell phone.  Beep beep beep

Toaster oven, microwave, even the stove makes a little tick tick tick as I make breakfast.  Pop into the laundry room where the machines sing a little song when I turn them on and when they're done.  beep beep beep

Kids are downstairs now, and Natalie's various diabetes machines are beeping at her to eat, put in insulin, change something, updates...beep beep beep.

The phone rings - some recording "to confirm your appointment at 1:00 press one" beep.

Finally after a day of beeps it's time to sleep - but here's the kicker.  Natalie doesn't wake up when the glucose monitor, you guessed it, beeps in the middle of the night.  Now it lives in my room overnight.  Remember when you had a baby and they cried three times a night to be checked?  Now imagine it's a robot baby who beep beep beeps.  Down the hall, check sugar beep, give insulin beep, back to beep, I mean sleep.