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Sunday, March 1, 2015

First world problems

This one is a little rant-ish...

I really try not to complain too much.  I mean, I live in a big house, I have a great husband who's always home when I need him and I have two kids that for the most part get along and are best friends.

But really, isn't it all relative?  I like to point out that there's always someone worse off than you.  I suppose there's one guy, somewhere, who has it the worst but it certainly isn't me.  But does that diminish my own hard times?  I hate when I feel guilty for admitting that sometimes, only sometimes, I just don't like my life.

Like the weeks when I am up every few hours adjusting blood sugars because my T1D daughter won't wake up on her own and she's going through a growth spurt or hormone adjustment and now her insulin settings are all off.

Or how about waking my son up at midnight to take a pill because it has to be on an empty stomach 30 minutes before and 2 hours after, and let's face it the only time a 7 year old boy goes 3 hours without food is when he's asleep.

I have a new business that I have absolutely no idea how to get off the ground.  I've done everything short of give away free vacations and no bites - not even free estimates!  What happened to the 8 years I spent in business school?

I've been fired from the one volunteer job I'm completely excited to do because I don't write flowery emails, I'm straight and to the point, which is apparently unacceptable.

But, as I said, I live in a big house with a great family, so my problems don't count right? I mean it's not like I'm in Nepal where the power doesn't work most of the time and if you burn dinner there's no Wendy's down the street to run to.

I guess what I"m trying to say is - if you have a problem, even a first world problem - I'll listen because just because you aren't starving in a hovel somewhere doesn't mean your frustrations don't count.

Rant over.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


February has so many themes!

According to the all knowing internet, February is:
American Heart Month 
Black History Month 
LBGT History Month
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

But there are others too!

National Potato Lovers Month, I could get in on that one, I love potatoes in just about every shape and size, cooked 1000 different ways!

National Pet Dental Health Month, because I guess if you don't have a Valentine, you're getting up close with your pet a lot and breath matters.

National Children's Dental Health Month, because everyone sets a resolution to get those kids to brush, but forgets by February?

National Gum Disease Awareness Month, man, the dentists are busy this month!

National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, I would think all dating violence is important to be aware of, but maybe that's just me.

Missouri Earthquake Awareness Month, I didn't even know they HAD earthquakes in Missouri, so I guess I needed this one.

And let's not forget National Condom Month, probably for the desperate Valentine's hookups when you forgot Pet Dental Health Month.

But not every cause gets a whole month.  Some get a week: World Salt Awareness Week, Burn Awareness Week, Random Acts of Kindness Week, and National Eating Disorders Week (for those post V-Day binge & purges).

And of course there are days.  Give kids a smile day (probably hand in hand with kids' dental health), National Condom Awareness Day (just happens to be the 14th, just sayin'), and Love your Pet day.

Now, I have a heart shaped fake flower wreath on my door for Valentines day.  Maybe I should hang some condom wrapped potatoes and toothbrushes off of it...