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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Recently we moved. 

We weren't planning on moving, but things worked out and fell into place.  One day we're looking at towns online and 2 weeks later we're putting in an offer on a house that costs twice what our current one did. 

Don't get me wrong, I love our new house.  I love my new neighborhood, I love the schools my kids go to and I even love the new church.  I have a fabulous deck out back where I can sit (when its more than 30 degrees) and read and look at the mountains.  I have a jacuzzi tub where I can relax at the end of the day. 

I'm doing well at keeping it clean, even though it's twice as big too.  I've kept up on the laundry and dishes, I've mopped the floor and swept weekly.  Every Saturday we switch sheets and we clean bathrooms. 

But there are things I miss too.  My sister for one.  I barely see her anymore.  And my neighbor Kristin.  She's having a baby, I've been there for all of them, I'll miss this one.  My grocery store.

Now, you say - "a grocery store?  They're all the same!"  But not really.  Sure, some things are the same, but you get to learn where everything is, and you can run in, grab something and run out.  The pharmacy people get to know us (we're there a lot) and you know which gas pump is the best one.

Then there's the new place - finding a place for everything, remembering the place you put it in, deciding if that's the permanent place, or finding a new place and going through it all over.  I've got the kitchen set, and my laundry room is very close.  We have no furniture in the living room, but the food tables are always nice.  The toy room is still a DISASTER of epic proportions. 

Bottom line - moving sucks.  It's stressful on your family, your body, your life, your marriage, your relationships - everything!  But once you're on the other side, hopefully you find that it was worth it all.

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