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Thursday, March 8, 2012


I do a lot of silly things that make NO sense. 

I load the dishwasher and always end up forgetting a few, so the job isn't done.

I clean up the living room, but never all the way. 

Not just that - I have to eat M&Ms and small candies in pairs: one for each side.

I dip potato chips in my ravioli sauce.

I can't back my car up without some kind of camera.

I like to keep stuff - not hoarding yet, but just a lot of memories are in my stuff.

I like things organized but don't have the will power to keep it that way.

I think I'm allergic to sunflower seeds. 

I like chocolate milk, but not regular milk.

I hate change - it took 3 months for Mike to convince me to switch phones - but...

I want to move.  Apparently I'm right on track with that one though, because people changes houses on average every 7 years and we're in year 7 1/2. 

I want a house that people walk into and say - wow, this is beautiful! But I don't know how to get it and keep it.

Maybe everyone has these things, maybe I'm unique, but it's who I am.  Who are you?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's odd to dip chips in ravioli but then, I used to do that when I was eating chips and ravioli. These days, neither seems worth the points. I especially liked the cheese Ruffles in ravioli.
