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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Being sick

As a mom of 8 years I have developed a bad habit.  I get sick at night, and then plow through the day having no rest and still sick. 

But this morning I couldn't do it.  I canceled all of my morning appointments, and just stayed home while Jeremy went to school.  I'm sitting watching tv, eating pudding, and playing on the computer.  When I want to, I lay down. 

Why do moms tell themselves that we can't get sick?  Will the world as we know it end if I'm not here to keep it spinning?  NO!  My husband is perfectly capable of handling the children for one day.  The teacher can live without my help for one week.  The kids can live without my attention for one day. 

Who developed this concept?  Even God gave women time off during their "unclean week" and after childbirth.  Why do mothers think we have to be present and healthy for everything?  We are just as susceptible to germs, maybe more because we hand out the tissues and medicines. 

Most likely it's that God given need to care for others that leads us to not care for ourselves. 

Take care of yourself mommies - without us eventually the world WOULD fall apart, after more than a day, of course.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're sick. Hope you're feeling better.
