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Sunday, February 12, 2012


I have a couple of diabetes facebook pages that I follow.  I love the online support, but I wonder sometimes why people get so up in arms about what this celebrity said or that post said...

Don't we, as diabetic parents, have enough to worry about without freaking out because Paula Dean forgot to say "Type 2 diabetes"?  Or because Halle Berry said she "weaned herself off of insulin"?

Who cares?  Yes, I try to educate when I can.  I raise money for a cure, and first and foremost I take care of my own.  I know there are people out there who don't know what the difference is between T1 and T2, and so many times I hear oh, my grandma had diabetes or my uncle has diabetes.  T2 is no good, but it's different.  They have the same name, and people assume it's the same.

And while I'm on it - since when does diabetes mean no sugar at all?  I know both T1 and T2 people and I know you do not have to give up sugar all together, just back off a little and get up and walk once in awhile.  But so many people walk by the Girl Scouts saying "I can't have that, I'm diabetic".  BULL SQUAT!  As long as you don't eat the whole box in one sitting, you're fine.  I look at them and I know they aren't trying to control anything, they just don't want to fork over the $3.50.  Just say I don't want cookies.

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