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Friday, February 3, 2012


Wow - 10" of snow and the whole city shuts down.  One would think that in Colorado, where we get hit with a storm like this at least once a year, we could handle it better.

We knew this was coming for 5 days, it kept getting worse, but 5 days we knew it was going to snow.  All the normal people went to the store, the gas station, whatever to stock up.  Why is it that the cities can't do the same?  Call in extra police and fire for the accidents, put the mag chloride down BEFORE the snow falls.  The airport could find some better way to do planes than the deicing that takes forever. 

And the schools, they can't have school because the busses can't get through - really?? A 20 foot long 3 ton vehicle can't plow through a foot of snow?  Give me a break. 

Every one is comparing what they are doing today.  "Sitting around in my pjs" "Just fooled the kids into shoveling"  I did it too, just because I felt left out. 

Snow makes me tired.

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