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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Ahh, Super Bowl Sunday.  A day when family and friends gather around their televisions to watch a violent fight over a small oblong ball. 

Some watch for football, some for the commercials, which have become an industry in and of themselves.  Some just come for the food, because no American can watch the game with out a plethora of snacks. 

This year the game is being telecast in Spanish, which upset me a little, but we won't take on that subject today. 

I remember that nothing annoyed my father more than questions about how the game is played. 

Personally, I prefer baseball.  Baseball is played in the warm, with chances of bad weather minimal and limited to the first and last months.  Everyone stays where they are supposed to, in their positions.  You can hear the bat, the balls, the mitts.  And maybe most importantly its a LOT cheaper!

No one catches a football in the stands, there is rarely a fight, and when there is, it clears the benches with team loyalty. 

Personally I'll keep the summer and the commercials - you can have the football.

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