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Monday, January 9, 2012

Fast Day 1

12:00 I have decided to participate in my church's 21 days of prayer and fasting.  I have decided to fast from food, drinking only liquids for 3 weeks. 

Three times today I've gone into the kitchen for lunch.  Each time I remember and turn around.  I'm beginning to see how difficult this will be.

But the things I'm asking God for are big and it means that I have to make a big commitment.  I'm asking for an improvement in my family, that my kids will grow in God this year, and for a CURE for diabetes. 

I'm also reading the One Year Bible, most of the time with the kids.  I have an app that reads each section to us in the car.  It's so cool to share the Bible with your kids for the first time.  They ask the best questions, recognize the stories we all learned in Sunday School. 

Day 1 is halfway done, and I'm holding strong.

4:30 Every time I crave food, I try to remember to pray.  This how I always understood fasting.  Its tough when I have to make food for the kids.  Earlier I had to make lunch for Jeremy.  Usually I just eat his crusts, today I had to remember to toss them.  Tonight I'll have to run through a drive thru for dinner, it will be difficult not to order. 

Another annoying side effect - multiple bathroom trips...

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