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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fast day 20!!!

Tomorrow is the last day.  Today Mom was waving Samoas in my face, and I held firm.  We went to Wendy's and I held firm. 

Last night we were caught in traffic and with nothing in my stomach I got SOOO sick.  So I went ahead and ate 2 small pieces of bread at dinner, no butter, and it helped immensly. 

Today we went shopping, to see Kelly, and I cleaned out my closet - 8 bags.  I got rid of all the bedding from our queen bed so that I could see what I have for the king.  Its not much.  Plus I hung (well Mike and I hung) some decorative candle holders in our room. 

I'm really trying to begin customizing our home.  I know, we've been here 8 years in November, but I was almost afraid to paint or hang too many things like it's still a rental.  But I've now put some stick on designs on the wall, changed out our bookcases to good ones, we bought Natalie some decorations for her room, and promised Jeremy we would do his in the summer. 

Next fall I'm tackling the kitchen.  I'll have to put wallpaper on wallpaper, but that's been done.  And we need a new stove, which means a new microwave and if we go black like I want, a new fridge.  I'm hoping for the french doors with the freezer below.

OK, this has nothing to do with fasting, but I'm going along fine and tomorrow is the LAST DAY!!!

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