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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fast day 14

Only one week to go!

Today was a good day.  Mike and I went car shopping and didn't fight all day.  We even found some cars worth considering. 

The kids were with Kelly, and while she didn't tell on them, I have a feeling they were giving her a hard time. 

It was difficult when Mike brought his food in the car, and when they started busting open the Girl Scout cookies.  Now I have to cook dinner.  I hate cooking dinner because if the kids don't eat it, usually I would, but I can't so the food just goes to waste.

I called Jenny Craig today.  I didn't lose as much weight as I anticipated when I started, but I did lose some and I want to build on it.  Maybe losing weight is the way to fix my family and marriage.  As I thin down, I get more energy and my depression level drops.

As for Mike getting saved, and the diabetes, that's in God's hands.  Only God can touch Mike's heart enough to bring him in to His family, and all I can do is pray.

The diabetes, I can help with money for organizations for a cure, and maybe even volunteer this year.  But only science can solve that problem with God's divine help.

In the upcoming weeks, my house will be filled with cookies.  I also have a surprise in store for Mike, more on that later just in case he reads this. 

Today, life is good.  I hope it doesn't mean I'm on my way up to a manic episode...

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