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Monday, January 30, 2012


I've heard working moms call stay at home moms lazy, I've heard stay at home moms call working moms bad parents for letting someone else raise their kids.

First of all, all moms work, inside or outside the home, we do a majority of the work in the world and I challenge any working husband to walk a week in our shoes - preferably with a 2" heel.

But let's look for a minute at some differences:
Working moms claim they clean too, but they don't have to clean up after their 4 year old who just spread his toys across the "car lot".  No, all those messes are made at the daycare. 

Working moms claim they do the laundry too, but most send their work clothes, and their husband's clothes to the cleaners.  If you cut my laundry in half it would be no problem either.

Working moms claim they go grocery shopping too, but how often do they stop on the way home instead of going with 2 screaming toddlers in the middle of the day with the old ladies in the aisles?

Stay at home moms get to see all of the milestones, working moms have to hear the report from the babysitter.

Stay at home moms get to play with their kids at the park, working moms come home after dark and put kids to bed.

Stay at home moms get to volunteer at school weekly - or more, working moms have to beg to get off for the school play.

Neither job is easy, but stay at home moms don't sit around watching TV and eating bonbons, nor do we clean in heels and pearls.  Working moms don't get everything done for them by a magic fairy, nor are they bad moms for providing for their family.

As a stay at home mom, sometimes I wish for a job to "take me away" from the chaos.  Then my kid hugs me and says I love you and that's gone.  When I was a working mom it was so hard to leave my baby at home with a sitter, or even my work from home husband.  Then I would see her face when I came home, and I knew it was all worth it to provide for that little one.

I've seen both sides of the arguement, and I don't know who's right.  I only know we women have been taught to do whats right to support our family and no matter where that is, we'll do it.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered what happened to you. Seemed stuck on January 23 for awhile. Glad things went well. If nothing else, maybe you learned some things about yourself through your fast.
